Saturday, March 4, 2017

Banksy's 'Walled Off' Hotel first impressions

walled off, waldorf, next to a wall, get it? From the moment your read the title and say it out loud you know that Banksy is back, and fuck how he is back.

let's start with the fuck yous because it feels so right, fuck you to all those people now thinking about the price of their bits of paper, fuck you to all those rushing to find fault in this project, fuck you to all those supposed fans who haven't got a clue about what's happening out there, fuck you to you, yeah you, you've already forgotten about this hotel and it was only in the papers yesterday, but more of that in a bit.

If you've one good thing to say about this project let it be this, banksy cares about others, he's alerted us to this conflict time after time after time, he cares. And with this latest fucking bat shit crazy project, he's given his most mature and heartfelt response of how it can be solved. That is, give people their dignity, give them a chance, don't discriminate and realise well we are basically all the same. Yeah I know it's simple message not steeped in contemporary art intellectualism, but here's the thing, FUCK THAT. I'll take well meaning, cleverly messaged, real passion over something that will take me five years , too many books and nurofen to suddenly grasp one day we all die and this is meaningless.

Here's the piece that encapsulates what I'm blathering about, the graffiti lion and the lamb. Sobbasically this piece means the strong and the weak are all brothers, there to look after and care for one another. Now place the religious context surrounding this piece in Bethlehem and suddenly it's power is increased. But really what's important is that central message. Layered on top of this is Banksy's use of graffiti cats previously, he's taken one of his tropes and enveloped it in the message he's handing us here.

And here's Banksy at perhaps his most overtly religious, little graffiti artists, little terrorists, little children, leaving or trying to get into heaven...what makes heaven such a difficult place to get in to or one they want to leave ? Beliefs...that's what.

So that's some initial impressions, it's trying to make Palestine a little bit better it's trying to push integration and it's trying to make people see past beliefs that simply stop people from recognising other people.

What else is there to say? This place lives and dies on publicity, if it blows over too easily, it will get quietly shut, if it blows over too easily, not enough will visit to continue it being viable. Does that effect Banksy? Fuck no, he's gifted this to the community, so who fucking hurts? The community. A poor community, looking for hope.

So you there, stuck in your 24 hour news cycle, you there, stuck with your head in twitter, fucking press pause and hold attention on this for a little longer. And Banksy come up with some mindless shit which will keep 'them' enthralled, tantalise a print release (but please don't fucking do one).

Friday, February 24, 2017

Banksy Prices

Money makes the hipsters trousers tighten, money makes their little eyes bulge and money makes their bullshit levels go critical.

Seriously what the fuck happened?

'Online gallery's' made up the truth and the fuckers lapped it up. How the fuck did this happen? Money made this happen. Greed came, it took all meaning and it just became numbers, ever bigger numbers.

Where's the truth? The truth is under the patio never to be spoken of again until that fateful day the police come knocking with a search warrant. Because the truth needs facts, it needs evidence, it needs time and understanding, things things of so little relevance it would seem. I've watched money grow ever more important, numbers uttered the average man can only dream of and the fuckers, the absolute fuckers do not see how sick this talk is.

Sick and twisted games laughing at an extra 1000 here an extra 1000 there, rising higher, building the tower ever higher till ....till .... the shit...the arse to mouth human centipede goes horribly wrong 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Street Art 2017

2000 and fucking 17, how did we get here? But here we are

And street art here you are masquerading as some sort of shitty corporate philanthropic bullshit, to instil your imagery in the mind of some hipster with too much disposable income and not enough taste.

Fuck meaning. Fuck anger. Fuck passion. Just give me the shitty well passed it's sell by date quip and some pleasurable colours and my need for any sort of fucking meaning of anything is sated with some truly disposable consumerism.

Street art isn't dead no, it's gone, it's some black matter in an endless void of darkness, it's nothing. Now there's mural art. Now there's a thousand and one useless artists peddling their bullshit with no reputation and no reason. Just money. Now there's just art, bad art. And guess what motherfuckers dr funky is back to talk shite about it.

Fuck you

Saturday, March 7, 2015

DOT DOT DOT – Vandal King

dot dot dot's name sums it up perfectly, you're waiting for more, or at least something, anything, a pause before inspiration

and yet here we are wasting precious seconds of life contemplating this utter , vacuous , utter utter , vacuous ,utter , vacuous ,utter , vacuous ,utter , vacuous ,utter , vacuous ,utter , vacuous ,utter , vacuous ,utter , vacuous ,utter , vacuous ,


the king is the baby, and that's  apt, no knowledge, no experience, no understanding, just a contrite image, that will rapidly be forgotten

but hey


Friday, March 6, 2015

Mr Brainwash Jimi

It's a picture of Jimi with paint dripping off him. Mr Brainwash has now been doing this for 8 years. 8 fucking years. How is it possible?

I'll tell you.

Because of you, yes you there, in your underpants, with 10 tabs open, 6 of them looking at porn, 2 looking at ebay and 2 looking at forums. Stop. Now.

You need a-life a L - I - fucking - F - E

This isn't the road to fulfillment. You will not become rich from this shit. You will not find happiness. You will find an empty packet of maltesers behind your pillow and realise you ate them at 4am after crying for 2 hours staring at your rows of tubes, rows of tubes with nothing in them but empty promises.

This isn't a Banksy project. This is a rich french fool laughing at you. Laughing and counting your money.

So in summary

Life is not Brainwash.

Friday, February 6, 2015


Stood in a room full of tight black jeans, fake glasses, tights, leggings, clashing colours and empty empty empty words I found myself falling ever so slightly in love with Dran.

Who else on a cold Thursday night would get well off, with no responsibility, well, pricks, of London in a room where nothing is for sale and nothing is to be viewed (okay there were two pictures so fucking sue me).

Just cheese for the mice in a laboratory.

Not one, not one fucking word about what it all means, just fucking grabbing grabbing hands trying to get a little bit more cash for some new trainers, or to brag to their empty empty friends on their fucking handheld device of some fucking sort.

So what did it all mean?

Well let's start with the title 'public execution' , two meanings yes? Everything is to be created in public so watch it grow. But also the execution of the artist in public. You open a show with nothing, what could destroy an artist more? What does it say about the baying masses and grabbing grabbing hands?

It's a show in reverse, you start with nothing and end the show with everything, when the interest is at it's least. It's deconstructing the notion of how our short attention span should be used. Of what we expect and when.  Yesterdays opening was the closing. Of course you couldn't buy anything then, it's gone.

What was the statement? What was the artistic statement? It wasn't what you were expecting..was it? But perhaps it was a damning statement of what art is viewed as, by the affluent and greedy?

It's alright sit there in oblivion, caress your handheld device and tell yourself challenging thought is bad, you'll be dead soon, so fuck it.